Learn together!

To deepen my understanding of consciousness development in an education setting I am taking part in a 15-week program that is exploring the concepts of the STAGES model of development specifically for educators.

We are currently exploring the environment that is ideal for the very youngest of children, in the first stage of development which is wholly sensorial – all experience is through the senses.

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Building new skills!

It has been intensely interesting to see how teachers have adapted so rapidly and adeptly to teaching remotely – and their students too.  There will be many lessons learned from this shift, a few that I have noticed is that teaching online is different.  For one thing, it is harder to change things on the fly, so preparation and having resources to hand are more important.  Some teachers have told me that this has helped them to brush up their teaching practice, questioning why they have been doing certain things and introducing better practice.

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Letting go!

Our education systems were significantly upgraded post-WW2 to support a more intensely industrialised society.  Initially, teachers were required to control their classes and deliver a curriculum to build the knowledge and skills deemed necessary for young people to fit usefully into society as it was then evolving.  This was hugely successful in supporting the raising of living standards across the board.

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We can heal!

I was listening to a very experienced teacher who said that for ten years she would look at each of her students and ask, “How much do I love you?” If she found some she didn’t love enough, or even at all, she would ask herself, “What is it in me that is stopping me from loving you?”

She never told anyone what she was doing because she thought that she was the odd one, not any of her colleagues.

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