Learn together!
Co-developing – adult and child
To deepen my understanding of consciousness development in an education setting I am taking part in a 15-week program that is exploring the concepts of the STAGES model of development specifically for educators.
We are currently exploring the environment that is ideal for the very youngest of children, in the first stage of development which is wholly sensorial – all experience/learning is through the senses.
What is coming through loud and clear is that a young child is NOT therapy for the adult. This is in the context that when we are in the presence of a child at this stage of development, the same stage of development in us – which we have included and transcended – may well bring up issues that affected us at that age but were never resolved.
If we express these – for example, our own mother’s disgust when we put mud in our mouth – then we perpetuate the same limiting responses.
We must resist being triggered by early memories so that the child’s behaviour is not limited by our own. In effect, this means dialling down our red brain so that if we feel it triggering, we can quieten it down again.
Once we have this first step under control the second key step is to give the child their space whilst holding our own stories at the periphery so that the child has the space to experience fully and freely and we are able to gradually dismantle our own stories, as paying attention in this way allows. This is the practice of encounter.
It was very affirming to see, from a different perspective, that creating the ideal conditions for the child are indeed highly developmental for the adult.
The Red Brain Blue Brain Reading Club is live and in week 4. Download a copy of the ebook and follow a loosely structured 9-week process to get to grips with managing your red brain. You can join at any time.
John Corrigan is an expert in helping individuals to bring their whole of mind to their daily life and increase their effectiveness and the effectiveness of those around them. This expertise scales from the individual to the team to the organisation. At the core of this work is the practice of encounter. Earlier blogs can be found here.
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