Fostering Engagement and Wellbeing – 1-day workshop

We know that when teachers operate at their most accomplished, we see healthy classroom engagement with students willingly doing their best work, elevated levels of teacher collaboration and mutual support - less down time through stress - and, simply, more time available as fewer issues escalate beyond the moment.

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Boost the experience!

One of the key insights from collecting student feedback across a wide range of schools is that a small number of teachers can achieve very high ratings from all their classes (average above 4.5 on a 1-5 scale, across all questions).

The interpretation of this is that students highly value the experience they are having in these classes which means that this experience meets their three internal needs: to have some measure of control over their lives, to feel competent and to see that competence growing and to feel connected, meaning that they feel they are heard, valued and their interests are taken into account.

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Be your best!

According to detailed studies by Peter Hart at InsightSRC, supportive leadership and role clarity are the two most important factors contributing to individual morale, accounting for more than 60% of the variance between individuals.

A cognitive coach is effective because they help the coachee remain in their best selves as they think through and develop clarity and energy to move forward. The International Coach Federation’s 2009 Global Coaching Client Study reported a median return of 7 times the initial investment for coaching.

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A simple idea!

I received this email earlier this year from Armando Di-Finizio and, with his permission, I am reproducing it here.

“I think I may have mentioned I have been Principal at a school in Cardiff (Eastern High) for the last 4 years.It was my most difficult adventure without a doubt - the lowest performing school in the country, …

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