A simple idea!
Well executed across a whole school
I received this email earlier this year from Armando Di-Finizio and, with his permission, I am reproducing it here.
“I think I may have mentioned I have been Principal at a school in Cardiff (Eastern High) for the last 4 years.It was my most difficult adventure without a doubt - the lowest performing school in the country, the worst inspection report ever written for a school, majority of pupils wandering the school during lessons, smoking and staff totally demoralised (the police came in to complain that they were getting more calls regarding the school than any other school in South Wales put together and the majority were from teachers dialling 999).
We came out of Special measures last year, no exclusions in three years, results have risen every year and well above expectations and we are oversubscribed. I'm so happy with the change and so is the community.
And I've got to say your influence is still playing a major part in any success I have in schools. The red and blue zone really hit the mark with staff early on and we talk about it often and your name comes up often. We have just begun a countdown to the 20th March (International Day of Happiness) when we are all going to try and stay in the blue zone all day (We have 60% on child protection and very damaged, so it's not easy). At the moment staff are filling in a Google form each day regarding red and blue zones and asked to comment on how they stayed blue or got out of the red.”
It is all very humbling.
I am offering a (free) webinar in two weeks’ time title ‘Student Feedback - key issues to think about’. See below for details on how to register, if you can't make it on the day, please still register and I'll send you the recording.
John Corrigan is an expert in helping individuals to bring their whole of mind to their daily life and increase their effectiveness and the effectiveness of those around them. This expertise scales from the individual to the team to the organisation. At the core of this work is the practice of encounter. Earlier blogs can be found here.
· To purchase a copy of Red Brain Blue Brain or Student Feedback go here
· To register for the Student Feedback webinar on 22nd October, go here