Be your best!
We are always better operating at our best
According to detailed studies by Peter Hart at InsightSRC, supportive leadership and role clarity are the two most important factors contributing to individual morale, accounting for more than 60% of the variance between individuals.
A cognitive coach is effective because they help the coachee remain in their best selves as they think through and develop clarity and energy to move forward. The International Coach Federation’s 2009 Global Coaching Client Study reported a median return of 7 times the initial investment for coaching.
We know that feeling listened to and valued and having some certainty about what is going to happen next, are the key factors in helping us stay in the blue brain and be at our best.
Of course, these are all saying the same thing.As a leader, a coach or a simple human being we can get the best out of others by listening compassionately and responding in a way that provides or helps to provide clarity.
Jean-Frederic Bazille - Porte de la Rein at Aigues-Mortes - 1867
This begs the question would we not be better off if we modelled these behaviours to children from the outset and throughout their years of schooling so that they naturally help others to be at their best – and this is reciprocated?
This is the challenge that we face now. A society wide shift in culture so that we are confident, collaborative, creative and compassionate more of the time and, gradually, all of the time.
It may have felt that we could condition children to conform for eighteen years by creating and stimulating a red brain and then, suddenly, they would develop the capacity to operate in the blue brain most of the time.
That was never going to happen, and never will.
As adults we need to model blue brain behaviour from day one.
I am offering a (free) webinar next week (22nd at 12 pm AEST) titled ‘Student Feedback - key issues to think about’. See below for details on how to register, if you can't make it on the day, please still register and I'll send you the recording.
John Corrigan is an expert in helping individuals to bring their whole of mind to their daily life and increase their effectiveness and the effectiveness of those around them. This expertise scales from the individual to the team to the organisation. At the core of this work is the practice of encounter. Earlier blogs can be found here.
· To purchase a copy of Red Brain Blue Brain or Student Feedback go here
· To register for the Student Feedback webinar on 22nd October, go here