Student Feedback
Student Feedback
Systematically collecting and using student feedback is a powerful but safe way to encourage the shift from a teaching mindset to a learning mindset and a pathway to developing a consistently high student experience across the school.
This book outlines why strong, mutual relationships between educators and students are critical for twenty-first-century learning, and demonstrates how schools can foster them using a readily-available tool: student feedback.
Systematically collecting and using student feedback is a powerful, yet safe, way to:
· improve and develop educator practice
· demonstrate to students that the school values student voice
· develop consistently high student experience across the school
· improve staff wellbeing
· engender a shift from a teaching relationship to a learning relationship.
With detailed step-by-step instructions and case studies, this comprehensive handbook includes:
· practical aspects of setting up and providing large-scale surveys
· how to create staff and student buy-in
· reporting and interpreting survey results
· how individual teachers can use student feedback to improve their own practice
· how school leaders can use student feedback to build high performance across a school.
“Through our work with John Corrigan we have been able to provide students with a voice about their learning experience, and teachers, with a meaningful, supportive and tailored process to reflect on pedagogy and practice to improve outcomes for all.” Sonia Venour, Assistant to the Principal – Leading, Learning & Innovation, OLSH College, Adelaide