The quote “Culture eats strategy for breakfast” (attributed to the management guru Peter Drucker, although there is some doubt that he ever said it) is simply saying that having the right culture will lead to doing the right things (= a strategy will emerge) whereas having a great strategy is useless without a culture capable of implementing it.
Read MoreI introduced Armando Di-Finizio in a recent blog (A simple idea!), in his most recent blog he says: “For example, when we see a student having difficulty with a maths problem, we help the child without question. If they are late to class, however, we tend to sanction them. This example highlights two different aspects of a child's development, but we tend to treat each aspect differently.”
Read MoreIn a paper published in 2018* Ford and colleagues suggest that individuals who accept rather than judge their mental experiences may attain better psychological health, in part because acceptance helps them experience less negative emotion in response to stressors.
Read MoreOften people will say that, in a class of 25 students, it isn’t possible to use sustained attention so, by default, we must use focused attention (which leads to shallow connections and thus the need to use inducements to get work done).
This is a circular argument.
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