Benefits of engagement!

A lot of things worker better when students are all engaged

The purpose of focusing on rebuilding teacherly authority on a basis that aligns teacher and student values (i.e., both teacher and student value the capacity the teacher is offering) is to ensure that every student is engaged in every class and with every teacher.

Think about what that makes possible.

Obviously, more learning will take place. But there is a lot more.

A calm and more efficient environment.  Few if any disruptions, thus few escalations beyond the classroom, more positive interactions with parents, and leaders with a more stable workload – not forever responding to emergencies.

With fewer behavioural issues, more time becomes available for differentiation and more students come closer to meeting their potential.

Being in the classroom becomes a joy (ask any enlightened teacher) and a source of meaning and flourishing for the teacher as well as the students.

We know this is all possible because a small number of teachers (about 5%) do this now – and have always done it.

Boosting this number up to 25%+ would transform a school and create the conditions for more teachers to develop this capability.

About a third of teachers are probably ready to take this step now, they just don’t know what the pathway is and current enlightened teachers know what they are doing is different but they cannot explain what it is.

But we do know now what that pathway is.

I will be sending out details for a one-day program next week (with the actual program shortly after).  This is for those teachers interested in further learning about how to develop high levels of teacherly authority.  Stay tuned.

John Corrigan is an expert in helping individuals to bring their whole of mind to their daily life and increase their effectiveness and the effectiveness of those around them. This expertise scales from the individual to the team to the organisation.  At the core of this work is the concept and practice of teacherly authority.  Earlier blogs can be found here.

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