Be still!

One of the benefits of pursuing vertical development is that gradually our minds become still as fewer and fewer things need to be held at bay to maintain our world view.

A quiet mind means that we have few if any anxieties about the future and few if any concerns about the past.

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Unlocking opportunity!

I have been immersing myself in the research around vertical (or ego or consciousness) development. This describes how we continue to grow through adulthood deepening and broadening our grasp on reality and reducing the number of things that “don’t fit” – and therefore the amount of energy we must expend to maintain our world view in the face of these discrepant thoughts.

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Strive to be your best!

An acorn will strive throughout its existence to become the oak tree – its final, fully expressed form, its “best self”. It will do this despite a less than ideal environment – poor nutrients, scarce water, other trees taking the sunlight, strong winds. Whilst it is a living organism the acorn will strive to become the oak tree.

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One thing that comes up often in coaching conversations is the need to prioritise.  On the surface, this seems straightforward, create a list, put it in order of importance and then do the important things first.

However, prioritisation is much more than that.

Prioritisation as capability is an important step as we move from the content of our thoughts being concrete in nature (for example, things we can see, hear or touch, or imagine doing so, feelings that can be seen on the exterior – sad, happy, angry) to thinking about things that cannot be sensed such as ideas, symbols, assumptions, judgements and more subtle feelings – frustration, compassion, presence.

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