See clearly!
The world is changing and is not going back to what it was
I don’t know about you, but I have the sense that we are on the edge of significant change in the world. The pandemic has cracked the mould and we are unlikely to go back to where we were. Geopolitical changes are occurring in unprecedented ways.
Yet the future remains unclear. We are continuously bombarded with managed narratives – another way of saying falsehoods and distortions – with the purpose of keeping us hewing to a certain world view.
To see clearly, we must grow in consciousness and, more importantly still, young people must grow in consciousness, it is their futures at stake.
In my book Why We Teach I show that the average level of consciousness in society has been growing and young people are reaching levels that exceed what our schooling systems were designed to support.
What supports this growth is stimulating perspectival knowing – for example, situational awareness and emotional intelligence - and best achieved through adults modelling these capabilities, and participatory knowing – a deep sense of being connected and at ease in the world.
A minority of teachers model these capabilities now. We just need to shoehorn into a busy world an awareness and some practices that develop these capabilities for the majority.
Eventually, this will happen, but the sooner the better.
John Corrigan is an expert in helping individuals to bring their whole of mind to their daily life and increase their effectiveness and the effectiveness of those around them. This expertise scales from the individual to the team to the organisation. At the core of this work is the practice of encounter. Earlier blogs can be found here.
To purchase a copy of Red Brain Blue Brain, Student Feedback or Why We Teach go here