Be peaceful!

Inner peace is a worthwhile and achievable goal

Inner peace is the unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment.  This is characterised by a loss of interest in judging others or interpreting their actions – a loss of interest in conflict altogether - and an inclination to think and act in the moment rather than on fears based on past events.

Such a deliberate state of calm can be achieved in isolation through intense meditation or, in the real world, through a process of progressively extinguishing the triggers, and re-framing the associated fixed beliefs, that are conjured up by other people’s behaviours and actions.

Or rather, that is the first step, the second step means re-forming ourselves as a person and just as a baby is formed by the unconditional love of the parent, we also are formed by unconditional love – either by giving it or receiving it.

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We can seek out those who will unconditionally love us, and the most reliable method is to unconditionally love others and see what happens.

Just by unconditionally loving others we will gradually re-form ourselves, as well as providing that same life force to others.  It is a bonus if we are unconditionally loved in return.

The most reliable place to achieve this bonus is by providing unconditional love to the young (and of course to a dog!).  They are biologically pre-disposed to respond in kind - as we all are, but as we get older it seems to get harder - and strive to maintain the relationship by presenting their best selves.  For students this means engaged and willing to do their best work.

These are the best conditions for healthy learning to take place.


John Corrigan is an expert in helping individuals to bring their whole of mind to their daily life and increase their effectiveness and the effectiveness of those around them. This expertise scales from the individual to the team to the organisation. At the core of this work is the practice of encounter.  Earlier blogs can be found here.

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