Healthy, competent, autonomous, and increasingly consciously aware young people
We humans are unique in terms of our ability to adapt to the widest range of ecological conditions. We achieve this by having babies who are very unformed at birth and who are formed in response to sensory inputs from the conditions that surround them – the environment and people in it.
The generators of this adaptability are our internal drives to be competent, to be autonomous and to grow in consciousness. When each of these drives are free to develop then we retain the capacity to adapt to new conditions. When they are compromised in some way then our ability to adapt is constrained.
The fossil record is replete with species that could not adapt as their environments changed.
We seem to be at a pivotal moment in human history, we have built social and economic systems that are self-terminating on a planetary scale. Our need for adaptation has never been greater.
With all their faculties available to them, young people we can still adapt to a more collaborative and sustainable future, but if we continue to limit our young people, they will still adapt but to a future that is considerably less appealing.
Time is running out, the transformation of our education systems to fully support the growth of healthy, competent, autonomous and increasingly consciously aware young people is an urgent task.
We cannot give a better gift to our children.
John Corrigan is an expert in helping individuals to bring their whole of mind to their daily life and increase their effectiveness and the effectiveness of those around them. This expertise scales from the individual to the team to the organisation. At the core of this work is the practice of encounter. Earlier blogs can be found here.
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