The Foundations of Collective Teacher Efficacy
I enjoyed so much the first public workshop based on the insights from my recent book Red Brain Blue Brain. Some comments from participants:
I loved how well researched the day was. It gave a lot of theory but also practical ways to implement this important work into our school. (Hanna Spark, Leading Teacher, Glenroy Central Primary School)
This was a most worthwhile PD and should be made more readily available to entire school communities. (Viv Kostoglou, Team Leader/Physiotherapist, Diamond Valley SDS)
The day covered how and why most people have two mind states and the implications as people move through their careers. This was followed by exploring how the way we pay attention determines whether we have relationships that are supportive of the blue brain and growth-inducing or further reinforcing the persistence of the red brain.
The final session explored ways to manage, modulate and eventually abolish our own red brains.
Collage from Foundations of Collective Teacher Efficacy Workshop
It was very encouraging to find such interest in this work and the recognition that it had an important role to play in providing the education that our children now need to face up to an uncertain future.
Like any workshop, learning goes both ways and I took away various ways of improving or enhancing the experience for future participants.
The next workshop is not now scheduled until May, hopefully the pandemic will be under control by then.
A lot to do in the meantime, though.
John Corrigan is an expert in helping individuals to bring their whole of mind to their daily life and increase their effectiveness and the effectiveness of those around them. This expertise scales from the individual to the team to the organisation. At the core of this work is the practice of encounter. Earlier blogs can be found here.