Shifting gradually!
Is the best way to re-balance the use of our attention
When we pay full attention to people, free of judgement and comparison, something changes within us. Paying attention in this way our minds are quiet and the thoughts that tend to arise represent new connections that our neural networks have made from something we already know combined with something that we are perceiving in, or receiving from, the other person. We now know something new.
Literally, we are changed by this type of connection.The more time we can spend connecting fully with other people the more rapid our own growth and our greater embeddedness in our common humanity.
Anders Zorn 1887
We still need to perform tasks, solve problems that we have seen before and we are best at doing that when we go into flow and we continue to deepen and enrich our experience and our ability to solve known problems and issues.
But when we get the chance, spending time paying full attention to our colleagues and students is the way to grow in new ways and new directions. This valuation of the other is of real value to them as well – we grow when we feel valued and listened to.
Ensuring that at least part of our day is given over to paying full attention to others is an important part of the process of transformation that our society is undergoing and an important way to build our own resilience and well-being.
John Corrigan is an expert in helping individuals to bring their whole of mind to their daily life and increase their effectiveness and the effectiveness of those around them. This expertise scales from the individual to the team to the organisation. At the core of this work is the practice of encounter. Earlier blogs can be found here.
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