
It is effective process that supports change

Recently, a school principal told me that she has staff who, until quite recently, did not see themselves as professionals with a professional practice that could evolve over time.  Rather, they saw themselves as having a practice, built on their initial learning to cope, which had served them well and which they were reluctant to tweak in any way.  Indeed, saw no need to change, at all.

Although such a stance is very much in a minority today it is indicative of where the teaching profession has come from.It also highlights the need for processes that challenge such positions, gently and safely, as they should, but that challenge nevertheless.That is the nature of professional life.

Sunset over the Hawkesbury at Little Wobby.jpeg

A key underpinning for effective process is to have a good understanding of the core of the profession.  All professions are based on who the professional IS as well as what the professional DOES.  In teaching, a lot of effort goes into what educators should do but a lot less into who they should be.  Of course, who they should be primarily means who they should be with students.  The way of being that supports the development of autonomous motivation – needed for 21st century skills – is very different from the way of being that supported controlled motivation.  The first is based on unconditional respect the second on conditional respect.

Processes that support this shift have never been more needed.
